Testimonials: Transformations That Inspire


“Amanda is caring and compassionate. She always helps me see things from different angles, which is usually why I call on her! I trust her insight and understanding and can count on her empathy.”


“If you want a guided healing experience, she is the perfect person for it. I learned and healed so much from my session.”


“I was gifted a Natal chart reading with Amanda and was very happy with it. She was very thorough and a delight to work with. it was a very informative and accurate reading.”


“Amanda's intuition is the stuff that dreams are made from. I'm serious - she can shift a simple conversation that takes you to the heart of an issue, and then to its core truth, without even noticing it's happening. And the fact that she's so down to earth, so REAL, makes all the magic a part of everyday living.”


“Amanda has great insights and I’ve really learned so much about astrology from the readings she’s done for me! She’s such a great teacher!!”


"Working with Amanda IS life changing and transformative. You will learn and open to more than you thought possible, and every class is shared with others who just seem to fit so well with you as you journey toward the ultimate you. Amanda's love and light, coupled with her empathy and magic touch, will help you discover your strengths, turn negatives into positives and breathe life into your heart and soul."